
It's about the journey

Prof dr Frank Rozemeijer

Since he started working in the field of Procurement and Supply Chain Management and co-authored his first book and article on the future of Purchasing ('Revolution in Purchasing',1996), it's Frank Rozemeijer's passion to think forward and develop 'Next Generation Procurement'.

Frank Rozemeijer studied Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam, with a specialization in Strategic Management & Organization. He holds a MSc degree (1994) in Business Economics (University of Amsterdam) and a PhD degree (2000) in Technology Management (Eindhoven University of Technology). After defending his PhD thesis, he worked as an Assistant Professor at RSM Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Since 2007, Frank Rozemeijer holds the NEVI Chair in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics and is responsible for setting up PhD research projects (e.g. supplier development, team creativity, social media, job crafting), coordinating the course 'Purchasing Management' and supervising master thesis projects. Further, Frank Rozemeijer is program director of the NEVI Procurement Leadership Program that is hosted at Maastricht University. 

Apart from his (part-time) academic work, Frank Rozemeijer has always been active as a consultant, trainer and executive coach. In 1995, he started working as a junior consultant at Holland Consulting Group, and he also worked as a strategy consultant at Compendium and as managing partner at Solvint Supply Management.

Over the years, Frank Rozemeijer supported the development of procurement and supply chain leadership at many international companies. Challenging projects for some of the world's leading companies (see Clients) brought him to many exotic places (e.g. Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Miami, London, Stockholm, Antwerp, Gent, Maastricht) and learned him a lot along the way.

It's his mission to continuously share what he learns with individuals, teams, departments, organizations, larger audiences and through his social networks (Twitter, Linkedin). His expertise focuses on issues such as business strategy vs procurement strategy, corporate purchasing synergy, developing procurement organizations, purchasing maturity, buyer-supplier collaboration, supplier relationship management, category sourcing management and strategic sourcing. 

Over the past 20 years, Frank Rozemeijer has also built a strong international reputation as a speaker and/or facilitator for conferences and in-company seminars. 

Frank Rozemeijer is an active member of IPSERA, IMPGroup, ISM, and NEVI.

He lives in Bussum (NL) with his wife and two daughters.


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Finding the right consultant, trainer, speaker or coach is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget. If your are interested to work with me, don't hesitate to book an appointment!

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